
Nafanua was one of the strongest woman warriors in the Samoan history. One of her weapons was called ULIMASAO. Its literal meaning is; Uli means steer, sao means safe and/or freedom. So Ulimasao means steer towards freedom. Freedom to make choices and changes for better education and/or teaching/learning strategies to suit our pupils needs and wants. Freedom from authoritative management type of leadership and move towards shared and lead-management style, in which decisions are based on knowledge and skills of everyone involved, educators, students and parents/communities. The name was suggested by Aiono Fanaafi. She was a very special Samoan educator held in high regard by us.

    * To promote bilingualism/biliteracy and acdemic sucess* To promote the interests and rights of learners and their parents from Pasifika nations. 
    * To reaffirm and encourage first language maintenance of all Pasifika learners depending on their wishes and needs.
    * To promote balanced bilingual programmes based on parents and learners strengths and needs. 
    * To promote professional knowledge of educators in order to cater for learners and community needs. 
    * To promote the issues of equity and justice in education (page 10 of the New Zealand Curriculum Framework). 
    * To assist Pasifika educators to do more research on bilingual education and language maintenance. 
    * To reinforce close links with the Pasifika communities both in Aotearoa and the Pacific, Primary and Secondary Schools, ECE Pacific Island Centres and professors of Languages and Bilingual Education.

    ULIMASAO is for all educators from ECE to Tertiary, and communities who have strong beliefs in the importance of; First Language Literacy, Language Maintenance and Balanced Bilingual learners as the end product of Bilingual Education Programmes not as a mean to an end or a short-cut to English proficiency. The association is open to anyone who is already involved or willing to be involved in Bilingual education both in Aotearoa and the wide world. Contact members of the executive for further information.
    * A combined network of educators and communities.
    * Balanced workshops of theories and practice. 
    * Up-to-date knowledge of Bilingual Education. 
    * Opportunities to meet professors of Languages and Bilingual Education. 
    * Global information about Bilingual education. 
    * Opportunities to gain self confidence and professional growth. 
    * A forum to discuss and debate issues on Languages and Bilingual Education.
    * On-going support for learners and their parents. 
    * Newsletters and journals with learners, parents and educators views on bilingual education. 
    * Opportunities to develop win-win, cooperative and collaborative approaches in teaching and learning. 
    * Information about conferences/symposiums and publications. 

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